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How Safe Is Bond Street?

We have analysed how safe Bond Street is when compared to other areas.  We’ve spent a lot of time doing the maths and trawling through data so to give you an accurate picture. 

To help you we also came to a safety rating based off overall crime and violent crime.

How did we get these ratings? Firstly we dug into official crime statistics which are published by the police.

From there we examined census data in order to work out the average number of crimes per resident in each specific area. 

Is Bond Street safe?
How safe is Bond Street? Find out below with our unique safety score.

How Safe Is Bond Street?

Per 1,000 residents in Bond Street there were 2855 crimes last year.  This compares to the London average of about 95 crimes per 1,000 residents.

It is very important to note however that there are certain areas of London there are a lot of crimes but not many residents. 

Take an extreme example being Heathrow Airport.

They still have crime in Heathrow airport, such as shoplifting, but there are essentially no residents. 

Say hypothetically speaking Tom Hanks was reprising his role in The Terminal and living there, then the crimes per resident would be through the roof.

This is to the extreme, but this shortage of residents makes prime central London perform poorly in crimes per residents statistics. 

This is due to the fact there are millions of passers through (tourists and alike) and comparatively few people living there.

We say that just so you aren’t alarmed at the crime per 1,000 rates in the heart of the City.

Our Safety Score For Bond Street

We have researched over 250 areas (growing daily) and decided upon a way of measuring safety from one area to the next.

Firstly we take the crime per 1,000 rate but then we also research the violent crime per 1,000 rate, as violence is a key driver in feeling safe in an area or not.

We’ve then scored each area on total crime and violent crime when compared to everywhere else and arrived at an overall rating.

Our safety score for Bond Street is 10, with 10 being the most dangerous and 1 being the safest.

An averagely safe area would score a 5.

Bond Street’s safety score was arrived at after taking the average of its overall crime and violent crime scores.

It’s overall crime rating was 10.

It’s violent crime rating was 10.

Summary – Bond Street

So there you have it, that rating of 10 is based off police figures and also the most up to date survey data, with 10 being the most dangerous and 1 being very safe. 

We remind everyone to remain vigilant at all times, crime can happen anywhere to anyone.

About the author

Hi my name is Ben and if you think of anywhere in London, I can almost guarantee I have been there!

I am a passionate Londoner and travel around this great city for pleasure and work. I started taking notes on my favourite places, from there VeryLondon was born.